August 2020 News


Aug 10

Good News

The news hasn’t been great. Whether it’s the global pandemic, civil unrest, or economic uncertainty, current events can unsettle our minds. However, the man who fears the Lord, according to the Psalmist, “will not be afraid of evil tidings.” And why is that? Because “his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7).

Nothing we see in the news these days needs to cause us fear or alarm. In fact, believers in Jesus can find new opportunities to both receive and share God’s grace in times of crisis. The good news of Jesus the Messiah is an anchor for our tossing ships.

The Scriptures are our guide in discovering Jesus. Teaching the principles of the Bible so that our readers can more fully embrace the person of Jesus—the most worthy object of the trust of mankind—is our mission.

Hello, Shawn!

Lighthouse Publishing is pleased to announce that we have hired an interim editor to give Lavern Gingerich a break in compiling new issues of the magazine. Shawn Schmidt plans to compile the next three issues of Loaves & Fishes. We are delighted to have him on board. Here’s Shawn:

“My name is Shawn David Schmidt. My wife Stephanie and I have lived in Peru for just over a year under Great Commission Ministries. We have six children, ranging from nine years old to nine months; our youngest son was born here in Peru.

We live about an hour out from Cusco in an unincorporated village called Marquesbamba. We do the majority of our shopping in the town of Izcuchaca about five miles from here. I preach every Sunday in Spanish, a language I’m still learning. Our focus has been to plant a church in Izcuchaca.

Before coming to Peru, I taught at our home congregation’s school in Strasburg, Virginia. Before that, I worked at Christian Light Publications for five years. Before that, I was a herd manager for a large dairy for three years; we milked 350 cows three times a day. Prior to that, I taught school for five years at the church school where I grew up in Crossville, Tennessee.

I enjoy writing and editing and look forward to contributing to theLoaves & Fishes magazine project. Currently, I write a blog chronicling our life here in Peru. It started out as a way for me to stay connected to our family and friends. You can find the blog at”

Issue #41 Update

Loaves & Fishes issue #41 is here! We are thankful to have the funds on hand to ship this issue out immediately. Mail preparation is scheduled for this week, and we expect to ship it out to our distributors and readers next week.

We are thankful for God’s provision, which allows us to send out our second issue for this year. Our continuing goal is to provide Christians in prison with material to help them grow in their faith. May God bless your generosity and support for our work.

Please pray for our readers and for the truth of God’s word to be of help to them as our newest issue circulates in the prisons.