October 2024 Update


Nov 05

Change and Hopelessness

One of the most depressing realities in life is the difficulty of change. My personal weaknesses sometimes have such a grip on me that I can feel like there is no way I will ever overcome them. I’ll never succeed in becoming the person Jesus would have me to be.

Looking around, there is also reason to be pessimistic. Much as you pray, hope, and try to help, the problems of people that we care about and attempt to serve just will not go away. It is hopeless!

And if that were not enough, our world is stuck in age-old ruts of conflict and despair. One would think that with modern science and centuries of humanimprovement at this point, we would be living in a much better world than our forefathers. But are we? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And then I think of that friend who overcame significant health challenges simply by faithfully exercising discipline over time. I think of another acquaintance who emerged from a prison experience as a faithful brother and evangelist for the gospel.

In fact, every day I interact with people who have changed from being selfish or obnoxious or ungodly into being lovely, content, and mature men and women. Even one of these stories is enough to lift the attitude of hopelessness that wants to overwhelm us. Change is real. It happens!

But how? The answer is simple, yet complex. Change is only possible through the supernatural power of Jesus. At the same time, God asks us to play a role. He calls us to renew our minds. As we contemplate God’s glory, we are transformed into His likeness.

God calls us to put off the old self. When we confess our sins, He affects change in our lives—we become clean. God calls us to die, and then Christ lives His life within us. As we begin to walk with God, we (and others) observe the tangible results, and suddenly hope comes alive. Change is real!

We play a part, but we can’t begin to do it ourselves. Remember that when working to help others change. They need your help and God’s help, and when combined with their own will to grow, the results can be truly astonishing. Keep working for change!

—Mike Fisher, Manager of Operations

Issue #53 Status

Issue 53 has been shipped to our readers and distributors. This is the third issue of the year, and we are blessed to share it with our readers. We are so grateful to our donors for the gifts that have enabled this project.

Issue #54: Evangelism

At this time we have begun work on our next issue. The topic will be evangelism. Prisons are ripe fields for evangelistic work, but they also are home to Christians who may have the spiritual maturity and the opportunity to reach out to others in need. These believers need instruction on the task that all Christians should be engaged in: reaching the world for Christ.

Will issue 54 be our fourth issue of the year? We would love to see it happen! It will require partnership between our donors and our magazine staff. As God provides the resources through your kindness, we will do our best to steward our resources and prepare more Bible-based content for prisoners.

Distributor Feedback

Inmates love it. It has the Word, stories, Bible studies, and crossword puzzles. It is great!

—Chaplain John Benson, Tucson, AZ

Reader Feedback

I just want to say thank you for providing this wonderful periodical free of charge. This helps individuals who don’t have much money, like me, to further our studies and ultimately continue to strengthen our relationship with the Lord. I absolutely enjoy all the material you include in each issue. God Bless.

—Justin McDonald, Lubbock, TX