We Did It!


Jun 13

Loaves & Fishes 11/02 mailed out last week!

Good things have happened since my update in April. I had announced our goal of mailing in May, three months since the previous mailing in February. Thanks to the support of everyone involved, we accomplished our goal—almost! We had the mail prepared the last week in May, but the truck picked it up on June 4.

My family (local) and some friends from Woodbury helped us get this mailing ready. Below are a few pictures. Click here for more on our Facebook page.


Single subscriptions are imprinted with addresses.



Bulk subscriptions go in boxes.

Publishing a magazine is like feeding the hungry—it’s a recurring task. We are ready to start preparing the next issue and hope to have it ready for printing by the end of July.

Prayer Requests:

  • Inspiration for the next issue. We need enough stories, testimonies, poems, and articles to fill 52 pages.
  • Money to print the new issue. It will take around $14,000.

Thanks for your concern for the prisoners of the USA. As always, if you feel led to help, you can give online or send your gift in the mail:

Lighthouse Publishing
14377 Old State Highway 28
Pikeville, TN 37367

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich