Category Archives for "News"

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Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

Dec 17

The Power of the Printed Page


“It’s always a challenge to find sources where we can turn to help us, as we do rely largely on organizations such as yours for donations, and the magazine Loaves and Fishes is a very welcome addition, and will be put to good use.”  —Chaplain Niles Behrens, EDC, Eloy AZ

I just finished unloading six pallets of the new issue of Loaves & Fishes magazine, and was again reminded of the power of the printed page. Here we have 99,500 books, neatly boxed and ready to be processed into mail tubs and different sized boxes and mailed. These little preachers are ready to take their message to all who will read. The message will not be silent or change regardless of how much someone hates it, stomps on it, spits on it, rips it in two, or crumples it into a ball. Even burning a book is not too easy. You need a very hot fire to totally destroy a book.

This reminds us to be careful as we choose material for each new issue of Loaves & Fishes. It may be a long time before all 99,500 copies stop “preaching their sermon” and it’s impossible for us to retrieve them.

Using modern communication that reaches around the globe within seconds, we can easily forget the power of the old fashioned printed page. It’s especially useful in prison, where people don’t have access to so much technology.

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Dec 15

Progress in Pikeville?


A year ago there was a report in our local paper of recent progress in Pikeville. It stated that we now have a new multimillion dollar jail, have made it legal to open a couple liquor stores, and have expanded the prison from 800 to 2,800 beds.

Just last week one evening we visited the Pikeville prison for an annual holiday service. Our group fed over 100 of the prisoners. This event is a big highlight for them and includes a delicious home-cooked meal of turkey, ham, potatoes, pie, ice cream, and everything else that goes with a holiday feast.

We sang about six songs and a brother preached to the men. Afterward, we ate and enjoyed an evening of fellowship. I always look for the loner sitting off to the side by himself; there are many lonely people in the crowd. As we were eating and talking, I tried to imagine how it would feel to be halfway through a 33-year sentence.

One man I talked with was sentenced at eighteen years of age and has been in prison for sixteen years, yet the end is not in sight. He seems like a wiser person now, but has been cheated of some of his best years in life. The devil is such a deceiver! I am reminded of the verse that says he comes to kill and destroy. Is this progress?

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Dec 09

6,541 Zip Codes?


“Thank you for the free membership of the Loaves and Fishes. I think it is great. I can’t wait to read another one and then pass it on to others.”  —Bruce Neal

Loaves & Fishes Subscriber Facts

Zip Codes where Loaves and Fishes are sent

Each pin on the map is a zip code we mail to.Continue reading

Dec 09

Update and Postage Need


Loaves & Fishes Magazine Update

Thanksgiving is behind us once again. We are thankful to God who is in control of the whole Loaves & Fishes project and to our faithful supporters who have kept us moving forward since our first mailing in 2002.

In the beginning, one brother borrowed a basket and some bread from his mother and caught several fish out of the lake for the cover photo of our first issue. Many hours of volunteer labor and prayer have been extended for the vision. We want to humbly say thank you to all who were a part in any way, whether through prayer, money, labor, encouragement, or helping us sharpen the vision. Without your support, we could not be where we are today.

In the last 11 years, we have mailed over 1.2 million copies of the Loaves & Fishes magazine. Today we mail 90,000 copies to more than 6,000 different 5-digit zip codes every three months. Most of these copies are going into prisons and jails where they often get passed around. Together we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God!

As this newsletter is going out, so are 99,500 copies of Loaves & Fishes. We should have the shipment by December 13th.

The next hill to climb is the mailing, which is always a stressful, yet exciting time. We still lack most of the $8,500 needed for postage, but we are excited to see God’s hand in this, knowing it will come out perfect in His time!

Thanks again for being a part of this ministry.

Darold Gingerich
Lighthouse Publishing


Chaplain Feedback

“Thank you so much for your recent donation of Loaves and Fishes. The literature you provide to us is an excellent source for the men up here who are seeking a better life through Jesus Christ. In particular, Science in Creation was well written and thought provoking. And of course, the word search puzzle is always a big hit.

“We have been experiencing an increase in population and continual turnovers here at the institution, making donations like your publication a vital part to our chapel’s ministry.

“I thank the Lord for your prison ministry support. May you be blessed in all the work that you do.”

William Ohl • Chaplaincy Program Director • SCI Mercer, PA


Goal: Mail Issue 23 in December
Lacking: $8,500 for Postage

We’ve done three issues of Loaves & Fishes this year and the fourth is in production. All we lack yet is the money to send them out. If you want to help us get four issues into the prisons this year, click here to give online or send your donation to the address below:

Lighthouse Publishing
14377 Old State Highway 28
Pikeville, TN 37367

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