Category Archives for "News"

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Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

Oct 09

Issue 4 of the Year?


We’ve compiled and edited the material for the new isue of Loaves & Fishes (11-04) and by next week sometime, Matt should have the layout ready for review. Our goal is to finalize this issue and be ready to print it before the end of November.

We have $11,000 on hand and the printing takes around $14,000. Once we gain another $6,000, we’ll be ready to start printing.

As you probably know, our goal is to publish four issues a year, or one per quarter. This year we’ve already done three, and it looks like we just might be able to reach our goal for the year. I am really excited about this progress and grateful for your help.

We have the building and land here at Lighthouse listed with a realtor. We are trying to sell this before we move the ministry to PA. Up to now, the land where Lighthouse sits was my Dad’s, and he gave Lighthouse a free lease for the past seven years. The ministry has purchased one acre from Dad for $4,500 so we can sell the building and land together.

Click here to help us get this issue printed.

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Sep 19

Transitions and Milestones


chair.jpeg (1)This month we have big news—Lighthouse Publishing is moving north. The ministry had been under our local church, Pikeville Christian Fellowship, but when our church closed its doors earlier this year, we needed to find a new home for the ministry. Burning Bush Mennonite Church in Bedford, PA has officially adopted Lighthouse Publishing. Lord willing, we will be moving the ministry to PA as soon as everything comes together.

My wife and I have also decided to make Bedford our home once we sell our house and find a place to live. Lighthouse will need a building with offices and a mailing area. A board will be set up to help direct the ministry.

Meanwhile, we are operating Lighthouse under Burning Bush Mennonite Church from here in TN. We’ve opened a new banking account and are moving everything over. Donations received as of August 15 will be under BBMC. If you donated $25 or more this year prior to that date, you’ll be getting a year-end statement to show what you gave to Pikeville Christian Fellowship.

We have peace about these changes. The unknown future looks daunting, but God has a plan. We are looking to Him to help us work through every part of this transition. I believe these changes will be a blessing to Lighthouse and help us grow and reach our goals faster.

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Aug 16

New Issue Ready: Funds for Printing


I’m glad to report that we have another issue of Loaves & Fishes almost ready for printing. landfstack

It is in review stage now and by the middle of next week, we plan to have the files ready to go. It will take a little less than $14,000 to print this issue. We still lack about $5,000.

It has truly been exciting for me to watch this issue come together. Our burden for this issue is “hope”. Many prisoners are struggling with despair, feelings of failure, and frustration every day. We can bring the miracle of hope and the love of Christ to them!

In this issue, Anthony, my fellow editor, shared some powerful lessons from the life of Joseph. In the editorial article, I tried to inspire prisoners to trust God to restore their hope even after they’ve made bad choices or things outside their control “mess up” the plan. We’ve also included poems and testimonies from prisoners to provide a sense of fellowship. This is just some of the content packed into this issue.

As you might know, our goal has been to publish a new issue every 3 months. We published one in February and one the first of June. To maintain our quarterly schedule, we need to print this issue now.

If you feel led to help, you can give online or send your gift in the mail:

Lighthouse Publishing
14377 Old State Highway 28
Pikeville, TN 37367

We are trusting God and relying on our team of supporters to make it possible once the time is right. I am eager to see it all come together!

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

Jun 13

We Did It!


Loaves & Fishes 11/02 mailed out last week!

Good things have happened since my update in April. I had announced our goal of mailing in May, three months since the previous mailing in February. Thanks to the support of everyone involved, we accomplished our goal—almost! We had the mail prepared the last week in May, but the truck picked it up on June 4.

My family (local) and some friends from Woodbury helped us get this mailing ready. Below are a few pictures. Click here for more on our Facebook page.


Single subscriptions are imprinted with addresses.

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