Category Archives for "News"

Download the Report

Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

Jan 23

The Sacrifice of Giving


January 2013 Loaves & Fishes Report 

In a land of indulgence, credit cards, and Santa Claus, it’s easy to think of giving in a negative light. Yet we know that God is the author of giving and showed us how to give by sending His Son to redeem us from sin. What a pure, sacrificial gift!Child opening a gift.

We are called to follow that example: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Hebrews 13:16, ESV).

Today there are millions of men and women locked up in prisons and jails across this country. Many of them are living in darkness and their hearts are full of anger, violence, and hate. Satan and his demons have turned thousands of people into wild “animals” and there may be no point of return for those. It breaks my heart to see this happening in our prisons.

Thankfully, most prisoners haven’t gone that far, and many are still searching for truth. Some are full of regret for the crimes they’ve committed. Some are lonely and hurting in their relationships. And others have almost given up on life and face a dark, hopeless future. Most prisoners struggle with deep emotional pain.Continue reading

Nov 22

Something Better Than Pumpkin Pie



Thanksgiving Day is always a special day for us with relaxing family time and great food—turkey, dressing, potatoes, and the whole works. Delicious and wonderful as it is, there is something even better than smoked turkey and pumpkin pie.

The Apostle Paul put a lot of effort and time into winning people to the Lord and starting churches. The people he prayed for daily and risked his life for, became his joy and crown, his boasting in the day of the Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:14).

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Oct 18

Building Blocks for Publishing a Magazine


Not everyone knows how magazines are made. We thought you might enjoy learning about the steps we take to publish the Loaves & Fishes magazine
—Lavern Gingerich 


October Pumpkins

  • Read good books
  • Pray for direction and wisdom
  • This vision will help chart a course for the new issue
  • Create task spreadsheet and working folder for the team
  • Get chapters from continued series
  • Choose quality prisoner writings from the collection
  • Search and brainstorm for suitable short writings
  • Give assignments to the writers
  • Notify the editors about the tasks
  • Establish an approximate finish date
  • Fix grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Improve the flow and language for our audience
  • Get approval for changes where needed
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Sep 05

Loaves & Fishes Ready to Print

Loaves & Fishes , News

Rejoice with us! Another issue (L&F 10/02) is almost finalized and ready to send to the print shop. It was one of those that didn’t come easy, but we are very grateful for God’s direction and help each step of the way.

The printing cost will be somewhere around $16,000. By the time you read this, it should be out of review stage and finalized. The only thing holding us back will be the funds to get it printed.

We are praying that it will be possible to mail this issue yet this fall. Funds have been a little lower than we expected, but that can change overnight as we pray and work together with God’s help.

If you’d like to help make this new issue possible, click here.

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

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