Category Archives for "News"

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Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

Jul 11

Bibles for Prisoners


In some issues of Loaves & Fishes magazine, we offer free Bibles to prisoners. We were recently able to pick up another skid of 500 Bibles for $4 a piece. These are giant print bonded leather Bibles with a retail value over $40. We are really blessed to get our hands on these, especially since there is limited supply at this price. Please pray for the ongoing ministry of providing Bibles to prisoners and for the prisoners getting these Bibles.

Here are some pictures of the mail preparation for this latest shipment of Bibles. The ladies are working on it now, and the Bibles will be going out later this week, Lord willing.

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Jul 03

The Value of One Eternal Soul

Inspiration , News

In Mark 5 we read of a demon-possessed man. All he knew was a wild, violent life. He was driven by a superhuman strength and a devilish bent to be with the dead.

Are you willing to give up earthly dreams for eternal ones?

When he met Jesus, the man came running and bowed down to Him. Jesus came to his rescue with compassion and love, commanding the devils to leave.

By the power of God, the man was transformed from self-abuse to peace, from exposure to restraint, and from insanity to a right mind. Praise God! What a marvelous change!

But that’s not the end of the story. One man’s gain was another man’s loss. Did you notice the devils were not barred from the earth? They moved—from a man’s body to a nearby herd of pigs. The man was restored and able to follow Christ. Legion overtook the herd and drove them down a steep cliff and into the lake.

Jesus knew the value of one eternal soul. A pig is good and created by God (yes, ribs are my favorite). Yet the value of one soul far exceeds the value of pigs. Jesus did not hesitate to give the devils permission to destroy them.

When the people heard what Jesus had done, they began to plead with Jesus to leave. In other words, “Get out of here and never return!” They valued their business more than this man’s soul.

How much do you value one eternal soul?

Are you willing to give up earthly dreams in light of eternal ones?

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May 24

Is Your Vision Clear?

Inspiration , News

Most successful businesses have a vision statement. They know their purpose, their mission, and their core values. The vision is clear. Everything is done according to the vision statement. The leadership hires and fires to the vision. The vision is key to success. It guides the company, attracts the right team, and creates the brand.

QuestionsDoes your personal life reflect such clarity? Many professing Christians today make decisions and buy stuff without a clear purpose and mission. However, it is impossible to give your all to the Kingdom of God when you’re passively sliding through life. Unless we have a clear vision, the love of the world will move in and affect our decisions.

We have examples in the Scriptures of godly men with a clear vision. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Stephen the martyr, and the Apostle Paul each had a clear vision statement. Notice what Ananias told Paul when he came to baptize him:

“The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (Acts 22:14–16).

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Mar 28

Are You Busy in the Mission Field of America?

Inspiration , News

Sad WomanRecently, I took a little time to read a few of the prisoner letters in the mailroom. I was reminded of how badly sin destroys people.

People are confused and misled by the thousands. There are countless broken families and marriages. Husbands are frustrated. Wives are broken-hearted. And children are crying. Many who are seeking God have nothing more than a foggy idea of truth and a strange concept of God.

Of course, many people in prison are serious about walking with God and God’s grace is very evident in their lives. The fault is not the prison. The prison system simply filters out men and women who are at a low point.

The prisons in America are a ripe mission field. Few people in the free world are truly ready for change. Tens of thousands in the prisons are hungry for us to speak into their lives.

It is our responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples in prison. The night is coming. Who will serve these masses in prison who receive and appreciate what we teach them and even share it with their friends?

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