My Life Is a Gift
What have I done to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in 2010?
You’re reading the final “Loaves & Fishes Report” for 2010. Isn’t it sobering to think that we are nearing the end of another year?
Now is a good time to ask yourself, “What have I done to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ this year? Is there anything I have failed to do for the Lord? Am I willingly giving Him my all?”
There is still plenty to do in God’s Kingdom and the needs are as urgent as they have ever been.
Your life is a gift. You can choose what to do with it. To whom or what will you dedicate the rest of your time here on this earth?
You can give it to the drive for riches—the passion for late model vehicles, a luxurious house, and fun toys to enjoy in this short life. Worldly fame and selfish reputation are also looking for willing givers.
If you want to help advance the Kingdom of God, the best place to start is to willingly give your whole life as a gift to Him. Don’t even try to do anything for Jesus Christ unless you are willing to give your all to Him. He is more than worthy of it all.
This month when millions exchange gifts with loved ones, take some time to examine your life—your money, your time, your stuff, your reputation, your abilities, your all. Have you given yourself completely as a gift to Him?
For the Kingdom,
Lavern Gingerich
Click here to learn how you can give.
Prisoner Feedback
“The story in volume 7, issue 1, The Deceitfulness of Anger and Bitterness, saved my life. I would read and read it over and over. And I got down on my knees and cryed out to the loving Father to forgive me and take away this anger and bitterness, and he did. Thank you Jesus!!
“I don’t have your order form from the back of the book, because someone else have it. But could you please send me your 2010 and 2011 Loaves & Fishes, please? Please this book feeds my soul, just as the Bible do. It’s all I read now. Please pray that I don’t get cold feet, but keep on serving Jesus!! He’s my life now.”
Barbara Steelman•Lane Murry TDCJ-ID • Gatesville, TX
“I really enjoy Loaves & Fishes. Your publication has been a wonderful source of encouragement and strength for me. May God richly bless you for what you do.”
Scott Messer•Walton Correctional Institution • Defuniak Springs, FL
“I am presently incarcerated at Corcoran State Prison. I was given a copy of Loaves & Fishes volume 7, issue 1 from 2009 by a fellow inmate, and I’m not going to lie, my intentions were to use it to block the vent because of the cold air coming through it.
“But as I was laying there I picked it up off the shelf and began to read it and the different stories of other inmates in similar situations as well as the different articles therein and realized the person telling the story although from a different walk of life, was not different from the feelings and life I was living. I would really be grateful if you would send me a subscription to Loaves & Fishes. I do not have any funds available but if I can help in any other way, I’d be more than glad too. Thank you very much for your time and patience.”
Fernando Escobar•Corcoran State Prison • Corcoran, California
Praise and Prayer Requests
- We’ve had a number of new donors join us this year, and we are sincerely grateful for each one. Your participation is not in vain!
- Loaves & Fishes volume 8, issue 2 is in binding. We hope to finish in the next few weeks.
- We have enough to mail all the box subscriptions, but need approximately $9,000 more for postage.
- Pray for wisdom and direction to prepare another issue of Loaves & Fishes. We sincerely want to say what is on God’s heart for the prisoners.
Your gift will help us send more Loaves & Fishes to hungry prisoners.