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Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

May 24

“I just need to know someone still cares…”


This is the heart cry of many inmates from prisons all across America. Some are victims of unfortunate circumstances. Many are in prison because of wrong choices leading to social crime. All of them are hungry souls crying out in desperation for a glimmer of hope in a dark world of rejection. Many have lost all contact with their families and friends. And the devil does his utmost to discourage them completely.

But praise God! Many inmates have turned to the Lord, finding a lasting hope and eternal refuge in Him! Through prison chaplains, church group efforts, and ministries such as Loaves & Fishes, the word of God is reaching the darkest corners of thousands of prisons all across America.

Still, hundreds are crying out for individual correspondence and discipleship. There is a tremendous opportunity to minister to souls and make an eternal difference by taking the time out of our busy schedules to write a prisoner and share the glory and grace of the Lord Jesus with them.

Perhaps it isn’t possible for you to personally visit prisoners. But writing is a splendid opportunity to do as Jesus taught in Matthew 25:36.

If you are interested, please email your request to me at (Or call or write us.) We will be glad to provide you with contact information and letters that prisoners wrote to us along with a list of guidelines for corresponding with inmates.

May God be glorified as you represent Him!

Robert Miller

“The Loaves & Fishes are such a blessing to the inmates….

I left 50 at the Rudd Unit in Brownfield, TX. Most of them were taken quickly by the 80+ offenders that attended the services.”
Don Castleberry
Freedom in Jesus Prison Ministries • Lubbock, TX

How $1/day Supports $125,000
Loaves & Fishes

If 350 people would decide to give up $1/day for the cause of Loaves & Fishes, that would equal $125,000 every year. Based on the costs of the latest issue, this would cover the hard costs of one issue every quarter—our goal!

Mar 30

What Readers Think About Loaves & Fishes


“Thank you for your generosity in providing the Loaves & Fishes publication to our institution. It is an excellent source of spiritual food for our inmates.”

Charles D. Kleiser, Chaplain Supervisor • Apalachee Correctional Institution

“Loaves & Fishes helped me to feel close to the Lord even when my hope was fading.”
Linda Vetterly, Aliquippa, PA

“The 450 Loaves & Fishes that we received on January 20th, 2009 are truly a blessing to the men here. Thank you for your faithfulness even in these difficult times. It is because of ministries such as yours that we are able to minister to almost 2,000 men here at Jackson Correctional Institution. Please continue to remember us in your prayers.

“Thank you again for your help on behalf of the men at Jackson Correctional Institution. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your ministry.”
Ron Evans, Senior Chaplain, JCI, Malone, FL

“Thank you so much for your wonderful magazine. I always enjoy the stories and beautiful poems. And it helps my understanding and walk with Christ. Thank you.”
Nancy Wright, VSPW, Chowchilla, CA

“Many of the men are seeking to grow in the Lord. Your publication is a blessing to them. Again, thank you.”
William Ohl, Institutional Chaplaincy, SCI Mercer, Mercer, PA

“The women like inspirational reading and love to read the reflections in your magazine that draw us all closer to God. It means so much to the women when they realize others remember them.”
Mary Ann Collins, Chaplain, Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, Bedford Hills, NY

“I’m learning a lot with yall’s help…. I’m a recovering addict and this book is giving me so much inspiration to want to know more about God.”
Sebastiana Avalos, Lubbock County Jail, Lubbock, TX

“I really enjoy reading your magazine, the testimonies especially touch me, keeps me always looking up—not down.”
Joe Bowers, Tenn Colony, TX

“I got a copy of your book Loaves & Fishes from my cell mate in the box at Liberty C. I. Your book opened doors in my life that I might not have ever known existed…. Since then the blessings haven’t stopped. Thank you.”
R. W. Putty, Jr.

Mar 20

A Change of Schedule. Disappointment?


Last month I wrote that we are wrapping up another issue of Loaves & Fishes for publication. We’ve finalized it now and it’s ready to go—except for funds to cover the printing costs.

I had high hopes of maintaining the quarterly schedule and publish another issue in April. I thought God would provide, that we had the support backing it up that we needed. I thought the donations would keep pouring in as they had been. Instead, donations have dropped so much that we are receiving only enough for an operating cushion to cover bills and overhead.

Even though our plans and dreams may be disappointed at times, we can be assured that God is in complete control. His plans are not disappointed. The Psalmist in deep distress comforts himself with this promise about God, “They cried to You and were delivered; they trusted in, leaned on, and confidently relied on You, and were not ashamed or confounded or disappointed” (Psalm 22:5, Amplified).

Please continue praying for this need. We need approximately $16,000 to get Loaves & Fishes printed and brought into our building. Will you partner with us and help us reach our goal of one issue of Loaves & Fishes every quarter?

“I would like to thank God for Lighthouse Publishing. With your help I found Jesus, and I want to learn more about Him.”

Waymon Gabriel Coleman

Mail Room Report

Robert and Verba are faithfully keeping up with incoming mail and requests in the mail room. It’s been about two months since we mailed the last issue of Loaves & Fishes in January, so the mail flow has slowed down, but it still takes commitment to keep up with all the reading, sorting, coordinating, and data entry that goes on there.

For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich

Feb 26

Open Hearts in Prison


Those of us here at Lighthouse have the privilege of seeing stacks of prisoner mail, holding letters in our hands, and sensing first-hand the need and open doors in prison right now.

Here are a few letters from prisoners and chaplains concerning Loaves & Fishes for you to read:

“I don’t want to miss out on any more of these books. This is the first time I’ve seen one of these. They are full of inspiration, grace, beauty, and knowledge.”
Kay Kelley, Eddie Warrior Correctional Center, Taft, Oklahoma

“Those pictures on the inside cover and back inside cover are beautiful and outstanding. I cried as I looked at each one for they both ministered so much to me. The issue was volume 8, issue 1, 2010. Thank you for sharing them. I won’t ever be the same after viewing them!! May I have Loaves & Fishes sent to me? Thank you so much.”
Dan Marshall, Estelle Unit, Huntsville, Texas

“I was reading your Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010 and received a powerful message, and would like to ask if I may receive a copy of this (message) book? Thank you… P.S. This is a great book. I LOVE IT!”
Anthony J. Vielma, Telford Unit, New Boston, Texas

“Your magazine helped change my life and convert my life and walk in the way of the Lord and lead a straight life. Thank you but most of all thank God for what He does for us on a regular day to day life.”
James Tisdale, Holmes Correctional Institution, Bonifay, Florida

“Thank you for your time and ministry. May our Lord and Saviour continue to bless your ministry. All of us behind the walls really need this uplifting blessing.”
Daniel Nuñez, CSP Corcoran, Corcoran, California

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the reading materials that you have faithfully donated to our chapel at Everglades Correctional Institution.

“The books and calendars were well received and our inmates express their special gratitude for your thoughtfulness.

“Please keep us in mind for future donations, and may the Lord make all grace abound towards you in all wisdom and prudence in His love.”
Alex Lam, Chaplain Supervisor, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida

“We have received your exceptional donation of the most recent Loaves & Fishes. Words cannot express my gratitude for such a huge donation.

“It had been difficult to find enough of one spiritual publication to give to everyone who requests it. Because of your generosity, I am able to provide for so many more than I normally would.

“You do make an enormous difference in the lives of so many inmates. God bless you for letting these women know that they are not forgotten!”
Chaplain Mary Anne DiVincenzo,  Central California Women’s Facility, Chowchilla, California

“Thank you from the mouth of my heart. Your booklet is bread for my soul.”
Andrea C. Martin, Lowell Annex, Ocala, Florida

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