Category Archives for "News"

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Prison Life Report

Learn about prison life in America in this free download, the open door of reaching prisoners, and how we are using literature to make a difference.

Feb 26

Open Hearts in Prison


Those of us here at Lighthouse have the privilege of seeing stacks of prisoner mail, holding letters in our hands, and sensing first-hand the need and open doors in prison right now.

Here are a few letters from prisoners and chaplains concerning Loaves & Fishes for you to read:

“I don’t want to miss out on any more of these books. This is the first time I’ve seen one of these. They are full of inspiration, grace, beauty, and knowledge.”
Kay Kelley, Eddie Warrior Correctional Center, Taft, Oklahoma

“Those pictures on the inside cover and back inside cover are beautiful and outstanding. I cried as I looked at each one for they both ministered so much to me. The issue was volume 8, issue 1, 2010. Thank you for sharing them. I won’t ever be the same after viewing them!! May I have Loaves & Fishes sent to me? Thank you so much.”
Dan Marshall, Estelle Unit, Huntsville, Texas

“I was reading your Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010 and received a powerful message, and would like to ask if I may receive a copy of this (message) book? Thank you… P.S. This is a great book. I LOVE IT!”
Anthony J. Vielma, Telford Unit, New Boston, Texas

“Your magazine helped change my life and convert my life and walk in the way of the Lord and lead a straight life. Thank you but most of all thank God for what He does for us on a regular day to day life.”
James Tisdale, Holmes Correctional Institution, Bonifay, Florida

“Thank you for your time and ministry. May our Lord and Saviour continue to bless your ministry. All of us behind the walls really need this uplifting blessing.”
Daniel Nuñez, CSP Corcoran, Corcoran, California

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the reading materials that you have faithfully donated to our chapel at Everglades Correctional Institution.

“The books and calendars were well received and our inmates express their special gratitude for your thoughtfulness.

“Please keep us in mind for future donations, and may the Lord make all grace abound towards you in all wisdom and prudence in His love.”
Alex Lam, Chaplain Supervisor, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida

“We have received your exceptional donation of the most recent Loaves & Fishes. Words cannot express my gratitude for such a huge donation.

“It had been difficult to find enough of one spiritual publication to give to everyone who requests it. Because of your generosity, I am able to provide for so many more than I normally would.

“You do make an enormous difference in the lives of so many inmates. God bless you for letting these women know that they are not forgotten!”
Chaplain Mary Anne DiVincenzo,  Central California Women’s Facility, Chowchilla, California

“Thank you from the mouth of my heart. Your booklet is bread for my soul.”
Andrea C. Martin, Lowell Annex, Ocala, Florida

Feb 26

“Let’s Make Books!”


Anthony and I are almost done preparing another issue of Loaves & Fishes magazine (volume 8, issue 2) for publication. It is always a big job, but we rejoice to say that God was with us. We sensed His direction and inspiration in it, and fondly anticipate the joy of duplicating this message 80,000 times and sending it abroad!

This new issue of Loaves & Fishes covers a lot of teaching on thoughts. We hope it will inspire prisoners to develop positive thought patterns and to set their minds on eternal things. As they begin to embrace the mind of Christ and base their pursuits on the cause of God’s Kingdom, the course of their life will change and they will make spiritual progress.

2 Ways You Can Help

Our goal is to publish Loaves & Fishes every three months. To maintain this schedule, Loaves & Fishes volume 8, issue 2 must go out in April. Based on last issue’s printing costs, it will take at least $15,000 to get the books made and brought in here.

Let’s put this into perspective: If half of this month’s newsletters would get read and every person reading it would immediately send $25, we could move ahead with the printing of Loaves & Fishes!

We are earnestly praying for these funds to be available before the end of March, so we can get the books ready to mail in April. Please join us in this prayer, and if you would like to help financially, click here to learn more.

“The first time I picked up Loaves & Fishes, it was impossible to put it down. Once I did, it left me thirsting for more!”

Justin Freeman, Holmes Correctional Institution, Bonifay, FL

May God bless you for your prayers and support. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord!

For Christ,

Lavern Gingerich

Feb 15

Pray for the Editors of Loaves & Fishes


We are busy preparing Loaves & Fishes volume 8, issue 2 for publication. Please pray for Anthony and me as we write, edit, and compile material for this issue. Pray for clear thoughts and much wisdom and inspiration by the Spirit of God.

We are making good progress, but there is still much work ahead of us until we are ready to finalize this issue.

Thank you for your prayers and support!


PS. Our goal is to publish Loaves & Fishes every three months. Will we be able to publish another issue in April? $1/day can help us reach our goal.

Jan 28

Loaves & Fishes Out the Door!


Here’s a little update of what’s been happening with Loaves & Fishes.

Volunteers and Mailing

The Loaves & Fishes booklets were delivered here on January 12 from Carlisle Printing. My wife’s family came from New York to help prepare the booklets for mailing. In two days we were able to get all the quantity subscriptions boxed up and all the single subscriptions addressed and ready for the mail truck.

The Lord miraculously opened the door for the mail truck to take the entire mailing in one load the following day!

A Nice Upgrade

We bought a used address printer machine for $1,200 that prints addresses directly on the Loaves & Fishes single subscriptions. It eliminates the step of printing labels, is more efficient than our other machine, and does a much better print job. This machine is another answer to prayer!

Feedback From Chaplain John Sherman
(Travis County Jail • Austin, TX)

“Thanks a million for the Loaves & Fishes recently sent to the unit. I appreciate so very much your concern for the men who are incarcerated. Many of them are desperately trying to make a change. Many have found the power of God’s word and the encouragement through books and booklets like Loaves & Fishes.

“The quality and quantity are perfect. I put them out on tables in the back of our chapel. The men devour them. Most often they are gone within a couple of days.

“Thanks again for your labor of love. As you know we have no budget dollars whatsoever. That is why your gifts mean so much to us and the ministry that God has given to us here at Travis County State Jail.”

Prayer Requests

We are rejoicing that the Lord made it possible to publish another issue of Loaves & Fishes so quickly. Our goal is to continue printing one issue every three months as the Lord provides.

Please pray for funds to make this a reality in 2010 and for God’s leading as we prepare new issues for publication. Money is tight right now, but we trust the faithfulness of God and hope for your partnership with us in this work.

For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor

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