“Let’s Make Books!”
Anthony and I are almost done preparing another issue of Loaves & Fishes magazine (volume 8, issue 2) for publication. It is always a big job, but we rejoice to say that God was with us. We sensed His direction and inspiration in it, and fondly anticipate the joy of duplicating this message 80,000 times and sending it abroad!
This new issue of Loaves & Fishes covers a lot of teaching on thoughts. We hope it will inspire prisoners to develop positive thought patterns and to set their minds on eternal things. As they begin to embrace the mind of Christ and base their pursuits on the cause of God’s Kingdom, the course of their life will change and they will make spiritual progress.
2 Ways You Can Help
Our goal is to publish Loaves & Fishes every three months. To maintain this schedule, Loaves & Fishes volume 8, issue 2 must go out in April. Based on last issue’s printing costs, it will take at least $15,000 to get the books made and brought in here.
Let’s put this into perspective: If half of this month’s newsletters would get read and every person reading it would immediately send $25, we could move ahead with the printing of Loaves & Fishes!
We are earnestly praying for these funds to be available before the end of March, so we can get the books ready to mail in April. Please join us in this prayer, and if you would like to help financially, click here to learn more.
“The first time I picked up Loaves & Fishes, it was impossible to put it down. Once I did, it left me thirsting for more!”
Justin Freeman, Holmes Correctional Institution, Bonifay, FL
May God bless you for your prayers and support. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord!
For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich