Watch Darold Print Loaves & Fishes
We are excited to report that the printing of Loaves & Fishes, our free discipleship magazine for prisoners, has been completed, and some of the first books are ready to go! Praise the Lord!
Here is your chance to get a little behind-the-scenes tour of Loaves & Fishes in the print shop. The video below shows my dad printing Loaves & Fishes on our web press that prints on rolls of paper.
We are hoping to get the rest of these booklets bound in September and get the bulk mailing prepared. We are expecting it will take close to $15,000 to mail all these magazines. Please pray with us for these to go out into the prisons soon.
Visit our donations page to learn more about how you can help.
For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor