Aug 16

New Issue Ready: Funds for Printing


I’m glad to report that we have another issue of Loaves & Fishes almost ready for printing. landfstack

It is in review stage now and by the middle of next week, we plan to have the files ready to go. It will take a little less than $14,000 to print this issue. We still lack about $5,000.

It has truly been exciting for me to watch this issue come together. Our burden for this issue is “hope”. Many prisoners are struggling with despair, feelings of failure, and frustration every day. We can bring the miracle of hope and the love of Christ to them!

In this issue, Anthony, my fellow editor, shared some powerful lessons from the life of Joseph. In the editorial article, I tried to inspire prisoners to trust God to restore their hope even after they’ve made bad choices or things outside their control “mess up” the plan. We’ve also included poems and testimonies from prisoners to provide a sense of fellowship. This is just some of the content packed into this issue.

As you might know, our goal has been to publish a new issue every 3 months. We published one in February and one the first of June. To maintain our quarterly schedule, we need to print this issue now.

If you feel led to help, you can give online or send your gift in the mail:

Lighthouse Publishing
14377 Old State Highway 28
Pikeville, TN 37367

We are trusting God and relying on our team of supporters to make it possible once the time is right. I am eager to see it all come together!

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

Jun 13

We Did It!


Loaves & Fishes 11/02 mailed out last week!

Good things have happened since my update in April. I had announced our goal of mailing in May, three months since the previous mailing in February. Thanks to the support of everyone involved, we accomplished our goal—almost! We had the mail prepared the last week in May, but the truck picked it up on June 4.

My family (local) and some friends from Woodbury helped us get this mailing ready. Below are a few pictures. Click here for more on our Facebook page.


Single subscriptions are imprinted with addresses.

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Apr 29

Mailing in May?


I just wanted to give you an update on the new issue of Loaves & Fishes I told you about last month. I am very encouraged to report that we now have the funds we need to start printing. It is a major accomplishment for this ministry to have the money for printing only 2 months after mailing the previous issue.

Once the booklets arrive, we will need around $8,600 loose funds to mail all the subscriptions. We already have $1,000 or so to put toward postage and are hoping for the rest in the next 30 days, so we can mail this issue in May—three months after the previous one went out.

Publishing every three months has been our goal for years, and to think it could soon be reality is very exciting to me!

Spending $8,000 for postage sounds outrageous, and we don’t want to approach it lightly. But to put it into perspective, we can prepare, print, and mail these booklets for only 30 cents a piece. This is a booklet with 48 pages plus a full color cover, folded to half the size of a sheet of copy paper.

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Mar 19

Breaking News: Upcoming Issue


Last month I told the story of how God provided the funds we needed to get Loaves & Fishes 11/01 on the road. Today we look forward to printing the next issue (11/02) and doing it all again!

This issue is filled with an interesting variety of stories, poems, articles, puzzles, and testimonies. Below is a cover shot and a few of the inside pages. It’s still not finalized, so a few things could change, but I wanted to give you a “sneak peek.”

Loaves Fishes 11/02 Cover

I really believe God helped us put this issue together, and I can’t wait to share it with prisoners across the USA. As soon as we get feedback from the reviewers and make all the final adjustments, we will be ready to start printing.

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