Sep 05

Loaves & Fishes Ready to Print

Loaves & Fishes , News

Rejoice with us! Another issue (L&F 10/02) is almost finalized and ready to send to the print shop. It was one of those that didn’t come easy, but we are very grateful for God’s direction and help each step of the way.

The printing cost will be somewhere around $16,000. By the time you read this, it should be out of review stage and finalized. The only thing holding us back will be the funds to get it printed.

We are praying that it will be possible to mail this issue yet this fall. Funds have been a little lower than we expected, but that can change overnight as we pray and work together with God’s help.

If you’d like to help make this new issue possible, click here.

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

Sep 05

Release Date: 01/25/2088


Until you experience it for yourself, it is impossible to know the anguish of heart that thousands feel right now. They’re locked up, separated from their family, helpless to undo the mess they’ve made, and full of remorse for what they’ve done. If the dreams and joys of normal life are snatched away, never to return until 2088 or beyond, it feels like forever.

Some are locked up for a short time and others for several lifetimes. It is staggering how many men and women have sentences stacked up against them that they can never hope to outlive.

A few have found the answer to true freedom in Jesus Christ. Multitudes more are sincerely seeking truth, sorting through the confusion of various religions. Some find the true path in Jesus Christ; others try to make sense of several different religions.

Thousands of prisoners have reached out to us in search of truth. In fact, they are still coming. The photo above represents just several days’ worth of mail from prisoners.

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Aug 01

Have You Surrendered Your Agenda?


Time is one of my greatest challenges when it comes to reaching my goals. One reason eternity is attractive to me is that we will have forever to do what needs to be done. While it helps to be realistic in setting goals, even organized and disciplined people can find themselves sliding in late on big projects.

In all the challenges of life, we can and must follow the example of Jesus Christ. He walked with the Father and never did a thing that displeased Him (John 8:29). Each day was too precious to waste. Instead of living life on His own terms, He based every goal, plan, and wish on His Father’s will. Is your agenda fully surrendered to the Father? It’s the only way to find rest in the pressure and demands of life in 2012.

We have set a goal as a team to prepare two issues of Loaves & Fishes beyond the current shipping edition. Our milestone for completion of the upcoming issue was set at May 10th. We set a reasonable timetable, but the realities of life interfered with our plans and we’re still working on wrapping that issue up. No doubt you’ve also experienced the frustration of missing a big deadline.

When unexpected needs come up and other priorities brush your plans aside, the only way to find peace is to surrender your agenda. When the battle is intense, the only safe way is to surrender your agenda and follow the orders of the Captain.

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Jul 11

Bibles for Prisoners


In some issues of Loaves & Fishes magazine, we offer free Bibles to prisoners. We were recently able to pick up another skid of 500 Bibles for $4 a piece. These are giant print bonded leather Bibles with a retail value over $40. We are really blessed to get our hands on these, especially since there is limited supply at this price. Please pray for the ongoing ministry of providing Bibles to prisoners and for the prisoners getting these Bibles.

Here are some pictures of the mail preparation for this latest shipment of Bibles. The ladies are working on it now, and the Bibles will be going out later this week, Lord willing.

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