Sep 07

Celebrating Our “New” Shop

Loaves & Fishes , News

We just got done reorganizing the shop. It’s quite inspiring to have a “new” work area with lots more room. Between hauling off stuff we didn’t need and rearranging the work space, we gained well over 500 square feet and $500 from recycling scrap metal.

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We will be outsourcing the printing of Loaves & Fishes magazine until something changes. So we need the shop area mostly for mailing and inventory. The printing presses and binding machine we use for Loaves & Fishes are still here, but now the center of the shop is open and it will be much more efficient for large mailings.

“I have been in and out of prison most of my life and I’m really looking for a change this time. I really don’t know much about God but I do believe in Him…. I’m back in prison as a result of my anger again. I’m tired of living this life style and I’m ready to break these chains and really live for God.”

Frederick Hitchcock • Moberly Correctional Center • Moberly, MO

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Aug 16

Keeping You in the Loop


Loaves & Fishes Magazine

We are beginning to prepare the next issue of Loaves & Fishes. I had hoped to start before this, but have been very busy this year working on our “Resource Kit,” a packet of literature and resources for new or potential donors.

Now my mind and schedule is more clear to move ahead with the new issue, and just yesterday I sensed the Lord giving me another confirmation for the theme I was inspired to use earlier.

Please pray for Anthony and me as we seek the Lord’s direction and move ahead in this project.

Resource Kit

We’ve had some takers for our literature packets, which we have renamed to “Resource Kit.” If you can help us spread the word, we will be glad to send you either complete kits or individual pieces in the amount you can use.

We have the ministry presentation booklet, 3 Marks of an Effective Missionary, Loaves & Fishes samples, inspirational bookmarks, and more. These resources are available free of charge for the glory of God.

To order these resources, just send us an email and let us know what you can use.

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Aug 16

A Letter Melts a Cold Heart?


Recently a letter landed on my desk from Jerry Conway, a prisoner and acquaintance from New York. What he said really touched my heart and I decided to share part of his letter with you:

“I would really enjoy corresponding with other Christians. I am not allowed to correspond with other inmates at other prisons and other inmates aren’t allowed to correspond with me. Most prisons don’t allow inmates to correspond with each other.

“You just don’t know how good it feels to get a letter from someone. I watch the mailman pass by my cell everyday, and everyday I think maybe he will stop and give me a letter. It’s not just me, Lavern, a lot of guys in here have nobody and it’s hard to walk this road alone when you think nobody cares.

“I read your article in Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010 about “Discover a Friend Who Really Loves You” and you’re right, Lavern, Jesus is the best friend anyone could have, but it takes a strong heart and mind to set behind these walls and feel Jesus’ love without some encouragement and inspiration. Sometimes when people feel rejected and unloved, it’s hard to even believe that Jesus will love you.

“It’s hard for someone in the free world to understand what it’s really like in prison, but I can truly tell you, Lavern, that when that mailman walks by and puts a letter on your cell door, it’s one of the happiest moments of your life. I’ve seen grown men cry like a baby when they got a letter. I’ve seen cold, cold hearts melt like butter from a card or a letter.”

We can teach the prisoners how much Jesus loves them and wants to be their intimate friend, but many of them will never find that without encouragement from personal connections. Yes, God can give grace in a lonely situation, but it takes “a strong heart” to sit behind those walls and know God all alone.

Let’s rise up and visit those in prison. Have weekly or monthly visitation in prisons and jails. Get in touch with a prisoner (or maybe a few) and send them greeting cards and hand-written letters.

The opportunities we have in our local jail to preach and visit with the men is amazing. As Jerry says, it’s hard for someone in the free world to understand what it’s like in there.

Most prisoners are behind bars because they’ve seriously messed up their lives. If Jesus made “failures” his top priority, shouldn’t we be doing the same?

You can start today by asking us for a prisoner to write to. We’ll send you his/her letter, mailing address, and some guidelines to follow. We only ask that you encourage your new friend and show them the love and truth of Jesus.

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

Jul 27

A Shower of Tiny Raindrops


Our goal here at Lighthouse Publishing is to provide free discipleship tools to thirsty souls in prison. Maybe you get tired of hearing this, but I’d like to say it again, “The door is open. The opportunities are huge to touch thousands in the prisons of our country with printed literature.”

We who work at the office can’t do it all on our own. Lighthouse Publishing is a channel, an opportunity for the church to partner in prison ministry. Together we make a team.

Picture a carefully tended flower or vegetable garden. Those plants need water to prosper. How many drops of water does it take? Obviously, too many to count!

The prison population in the USA is like a garden. As we work with Jesus Christ, we are like cool, refreshing water to thirsty plants. It takes more than a few drops, or the work of a few select people.

Of course, one cup of water can make a difference, but it takes a drenching shower to water the whole garden. It only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life, but it takes a team to accomplish the big picture.

Our dream is to attract and inform a team of men and women who are enthused about building God’s Kingdom in the prisons—people excited about the power of written words and the open door of reaching prisoners through printed literature.

Please click here for an opportunity to help inform your friends and church about the open door in prison.

Let’s join our time, energy, and resources to form a shower of tiny raindrops that those in prison could feel God’s love, light, and life.

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

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