May 03

Written Words Are Powerful

Loaves & Fishes

Have you considered how empty life would be without words? Without words, your life would consist mostly of emotions and images.

Words are priceless—not just spoken words, but also written words, especially when they are arranged effectively to form engaging literature.

Among the first examples of published literature were the Ten Commandments, inscribed on stone tablets by the finger of God. It was important to God that His words were written, not just spoken. When Moses demolished the “literature,” God rewrote the commandments for His people on another set of stone tablets.

Advanced Publishing

Publishing has advanced in amazing ways. School boys used to press marks into wax tablets. Now I can simply press keys, and characters appear on my computer screen. If I write something I don’t like or want to add more to a previous paragraph, I can instantly delete or rearrange my words. (Ah… you have no idea how many times I rewrote that sentence.)

Many years ago, scribes would dedicate months to tediously copying one book. Some were meticulous; others were not as careful. Dim lighting, poor eyesight, fatigue, and impatience could all take a toll on the quality of the finished product. There was no other method available.

In those days, anything longer than short personal letters was normally hired out to professional scribes whose entire career was copying words by hand. Today we can duplicate literature with 100% accuracy, and it’s no longer a tedious, back-breaking job. Modern equipment makes it easy to duplicate literature on paper millions of times. Technology lets me share literature with people on the other side of the world as soon as I hit the save button.

Written words are powerful. The ability to freely publish literature with mass duplication compounds this power.

Advantages of Publishing

Leverage: While written words will never replace spoken words and living examples, written words exert unmatched leverage compared to other forms of communication.

In other words, literature helps us magnify the impact of truth. We can publish 80,000 copies of Loaves & Fishes and the power of that literature goes on for years, decades, and even centuries, all without taking additional time and resources on our part.

Influence: Like a road map, literature influences destinies. It persistently changes minds and invokes emotions, both for the good and the bad. Effective literature often has permanent effect on those who read it. God uses literature to bring souls into His Kingdom and to disciple believers.

24/7 Preacher: Literature has liberty like none of us have. Show me a messenger that is welcome in a prisoner’s bunk all day any day. Or one that fits into a teenager’s shirt pocket. Written words make themselves at home in desk drawers, purses, and truck consoles—even under the pillow of a seeking soul—right within reach exactly when the recipient is ready to open his heart.

Many organizations and religions, such as the Communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Mormons, realize the potential of written words and invest as much as millions of dollars per year in publishing their message.

As we shared before, the fields are ripe for harvest, and there are many open doors in prison. Literally thousands have asked us to speak into their lives.

Will we wake up to the opportunities of advanced publishing before the night comes when no one can work? Or will we allow Satan’s servants to saturate the prisons with his message while we lag behind, hoping someone else will finish this task?

Printed literature is powerful, and God uses it to change lives. It gives us leverage to make more of an impact than we could otherwise. Literature has liberty to preach and teach when the recipient is ready, even 1,000 miles away at 2:00 in the morning.

The Need for Publishing

It takes around $30,000 (plus overhead) to produce and mail one issue of the Loaves & Fishes magazine (about 80,000 copies).

Everything is in place to prepare, print, and mail additional copies of Loaves & Fishes, as well as process incoming mail from prisoners.

We need prayer for wisdom to prepare more issues of Loaves & Fishes and to minister to the prisoners who write back. We also need more finances to reach our goal of four printings a year.

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. We hope that you will continue to partner with us for the glory of God.

For the ripened grain,

Lavern Gingerich

Mar 10

Greetings From the Mailroom


February has been a busy month here in the mailroom where Verba and I are working two days a week trying to keep up with stacks of incoming mail. Most of the mail has been generated by the latest issue of Loaves & Fishes, which was sent out in December and January. There are the usual new subscriptions, Bible requests, and all sorts of questions the prisoners are facing in their lives.

We get a lot of pen pal requests from men. I believe we have all the ladies pen pal requests matched up, but that can change at any time.

The last week of January, Darold and I had the opportunity to spend a week in an Alabama prison with the We Care Program. What an eye opener to the freedom I enjoy!

I was challenged in many ways, probably most of all by some of the very dedicated Christians I met there. Even in prison life and depressing situations, they are praising God, studying His word, and witnessing to their fellow inmates. One of them told me, “To me it’s a mission field—just one that I’m kinda locked into!” These men desperately need our prayer and support.

May God bless you as you represent Him!

Robert Miller

Lighthouse Mailroom

Mar 10

The Fields Are Ripe. It Is Harvest Time!


Many years ago, four months before harvest time, Jesus once told His disciples to lift up their eyes and look at the fields. He said to them, “The fields are ripe; it’s harvest time!”

In Luke 10:2 Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (NKJV)

What are these fields Jesus is talking about? What is it that’s ripe? Who are the workers in the fields? In Jesus’ illustration, the fields are the world. The ripe grain is those who are ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is telling us that there are throngs of people whose hearts the Spirit of God has “ripened.” They are ready to enter the life of Jesus’ kingdom or eager to learn more about it. A “bumper crop” is due, but there’s a labor shortage.

Observing the busyness and self-sufficiency of society, you may wonder, “Where are these ripe fields Jesus is talking about?”

Lift up your eyes and look at the fields. The fields are ripe. It is harvest time. It’s a matter of finding the field and becoming an effective missionary for the Lord of the harvest.

“Many women commented on how comforting the poems and stories were from the booklet we received at Christmas. I personally work for the chaplain so I hear all the requests and appreciations that are passed around. Thank you, Loaves & Fishes.”
Lora Barranca • Women’s Prison in Chowchilla, CA

Open Doors in Prison

If you have trouble finding a ripened field, go to your local jail or almost any prison in the USA. You won’t have to look very long until you find a desire for friendship, a hunger for reality, and time to listen.

Our church has a weekly jail ministry in our local town. It is deeply encouraging to see such openness and hunger!

Have you ever shared Christ with someone only to see them walk off and literally (or figuratively) throw your message into a trash bin? In the free world many people are too busy or complacent to pay attention. In contrast, while many in prison also close their hearts, the demand for truth far exceeds the supply.

Tens of thousands of hungry people have asked us to speak into their lives with requests such as these:

  • “I read a copy of your Loaves & Fishes magazine. May I please get my own subscription?”
  • “With your help I found Jesus, and I want to learn more about Him.”
  • “Send me any books and literature that you have available to help me in my walk with the Lord.”
  • “Can you send me a Bible study course?”
  • “I’d like to have a friend to write to.”
  • “Please send me a Bible.”

Basically, they are saying, “Please speak into my life! Tell me something that can help me in my walk with God.”

Imagine the opportunities! Here is access to thousands of isolated people who will receive and appreciate what we teach them and share it with their friends! Some of these already profess to know God and seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ; others are still in darkness, searching for meaning in life. Behind many of these requests is a person who desires to get their life on the right track and become the person, leader, parent, or spouse that God wants them to be.

Let’s lift up our eyes and look at the fields. They are ripe and harvest time has come. Let’s be busy reaching out to the hungry souls in our local jails and prisons and use the massive opportunity we have to impact millions with the printed page.

For the ripened grain,

Lavern Gingerich

PS. Click here to learn how you can help us spread the good news of Jesus Christ in the prisons.

News and Prayer Requests

  1. Lavern and his family shared a presentation at four churches in PA and NY on their recent trip north. We want to thank each one for their warm reception and partnership in the gospel.
  2. Robert and Verba are working part time to handle incoming prisoner mail. The “fish” are really “biting.” Pray their boat wouldn’t sink!
  3. Pray the Lord would give us much inspiration and wisdom to prepare another issue of Loaves & Fishes.
Jan 25

Progress and Special Beginnings

Loaves & Fishes , News

Dear Supporter,

The Lord has given us a wonderful year so far, filled with good progress and special beginnings.

Loaves & Fishes Update

Our hearts are thrilled to see another issue of Loaves & Fishes go into the prisons. The bulk subscriptions of Loaves & Fishes volume 8, issue 2 mailed out in December. And just last week, we were able to prepare and send the presort mailing for the single subscriptions.

The postage to mail these 80,000 copies topped $16,000. Thanks to your diligent support, we had around $5,000 left after covering the postage!

It’s been a year since we published the previous issue (volume 8, issue 1). It doesn’t feel like we are reaching our goal of four issues per year, but we trust the Lord has a plan. We desire to work with Him each step of the way.

Mailing Photo Tour

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Ministry Structure

Lighthouse Publishing is now legally a ministry of our local church, Pikeville Christian Fellowship. We believe this will benefit the ministry is some major ways. Now we can qualify for non-profit postage on all presort mailings, such as single subscriptions to Loaves & Fishes and newsletters. Also, when you give to Lighthouse, your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Click here to give or set up a monthly sponsorship.

Speaking Engagements

We have ministry presentations scheduled in two churches:

  • January 30: Spring Garden Church in Gap, PA.
  • February 4: Silver Lake Mennonite Church in Perry, NY.

It’s always a blessing to go out and connect with churches in this way. If you would like for us to share with your group, call us at 423-447-3567.

Distribution Partner

We’re publishing the first issue of the “Distribution Partner,” our brand new newsletter for Loaves & Fishes distributors. This includes chaplains, churches, and individuals who get the Loaves & Fishes magazine in bulk. It will be a great way to keep our distribution team informed and share resources that are helpful to those in prison ministry.

Mailroom Update

The fish are biting. Mail from prisoners is pouring in by the handfuls, as the new issue of Loaves & Fishes circulates throughout the prisons.

We’re hiring Robert and Verba Miller to handle the mail on a regular basis. They’ll be working here a day or two a week, Lord willing, for $600/month. Their help in the past has been totally volunteer.

Feedback From Readers

“I like how today’s times are used in accordance with the Scripture. Science in Creation was very fascinating. I would like to read more. Please add me to your list of subscribers.”
Raymond Smith

“I’ve read a few religious magazines in my life, but Loaves & Fishes was an exception to many. I want to really tell you about “Putting off Anger.” This article was… really inspiring to make a difference in my life.”
Mariano Alatorre • FSP • Represa, CA

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for more workers in the harvest field. There is seemingly no end to the hungry hearts in prison reaching out for truth.
  • Pray for wisdom in the mailroom to correspond with prisoners.
  • Pray for Anthony and me as we prepare another issue of Loaves & Fishes. Also those who will write articles. We need inspiration and direction from the Lord in this great task.
  • Pray for guidance in recruiting more partners in this work. We want to wait upon God in faith, but also do our part to inform and inspire the church to rise up and work before the night comes.

May God bless you richly for your prayers and support. You are a vital part of the work.

For the Kingdom,

Lavern Gingerich

PS. Click here to give or set up a monthly sponsorship.

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