Sweet Rolls
On and on the printing press “rolls,” cranking out thousands and thousands of freshly printed sheets per hour. These are sweet rolls without sugar—it sure is sweet to see the press run again!
Darold (my dad) is on his second week of printing the new issue of Loaves & Fishes (volume 7, issue 1). This week he finished printing the color covers and the color section for the inside. Today he started printing the main body of the book on our web press which uses rolls of paper.
We are printing 85,000 copies of Loaves & Fishes this time. It takes over 200 miles of paper at 11 inches wide, which costs over $10,000.
We praise God for making it possible for us to purchase this paper and move ahead with the printing. Thank you, supporters, for your help!
Here are some photos I took of the printing.
Dad is hoping to finish the printing by the end of next week before our family vacation in the mountains. Please pray for continued success and good progress this week and next.
Our goal is to bind these booklets in September and start mailing them as soon as we have money for the postage. We think it will take around $15,000 to mail all the subscriptions.
Please pray for the postage we need to send these out and consider being a partner with us in this work. See our donation page for more information.
For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor