Aug 22

Watch Darold Print Loaves & Fishes


We are excited to report that the printing of Loaves & Fishes, our free discipleship magazine for prisoners, has been completed, and some of the first books are ready to go! Praise the Lord!

Here is your chance to get a little behind-the-scenes tour of Loaves & Fishes in the print shop. The video below shows my dad printing Loaves & Fishes on our web press that prints on rolls of paper.

We are hoping to get the rest of these booklets bound in September and get the bulk mailing prepared. We are expecting it will take close to $15,000 to mail all these magazines. Please pray with us for these to go out into the prisons soon.

Visit our donations page to learn more about how you can help.

For Christ,

Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor

Aug 12

Sweet Rolls


On and on the printing press “rolls,” cranking out thousands and thousands of freshly printed sheets per hour. These are sweet rolls without sugar—it sure is sweet to see the press run again!

Darold (my dad) is on his second week of printing the new issue of Loaves & Fishes (volume 7, issue 1). This week he finished printing the color covers and the color section for the inside. Today he started printing the main body of the book on our web press which uses rolls of paper.

We are printing 85,000 copies of Loaves & Fishes this time. It takes over 200 miles of paper at 11 inches wide, which costs over $10,000.

We praise God for making it possible for us to purchase this paper and move ahead with the printing. Thank you, supporters, for your help!

Here are some photos I took of the printing.

Dad is hoping to finish the printing by the end of next week before our family vacation in the mountains. Please pray for continued success and good progress this week and next.

Our goal is to bind these booklets in September and start mailing them as soon as we have money for the postage. We think it will take around $15,000 to mail all the subscriptions.

Please pray for the postage we need to send these out and consider being a partner with us in this work. See our donation page for more information.

For Christ,

Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor

Aug 04

If 350 People Gave $1 a Day…


What Could Happen if 350 People Gave $1/Day?

If donations would increase by $350 a day, this would give us $10,000 more every month or $30,000 every quarter—enough to print Loaves & Fishes four times a year!

We see an urgent need to publish Loaves & Fishes at least four times per year. With the support we have now, we can print one issue a year.

Would you prayerfully consider helping us achieve this goal with a monthly gift of $30 or more?

Testimonial From a Prisoner:

“I found [Loaves & Fishes] to be exceptional in both the quality of the booklet itself, as well as its content.… I have diligently searched for resources of this nature for inmates and must say I have seen nothing on par with Loaves & Fishes. I pray for your continued success.”
Benjamin Johnson • ADC – Grimes Unit • AR

Monthly Sponsorship

Would you like to help support Loaves & Fishes with a monthly gift? You can either give by check or credit card.

If giving by check, send a note along with your first donation to let us know you want a monthly reminder in the mail. Or if by credit card, just call us at 423-447-3567 with your card information, and we will send you a form to complete, giving us permission to charge your card every month.

Visit our donation page for information about supporting Loaves & Fishes, the free discipleship magazine for prisoners.

For Christ,

Lavern Gingerich
Loaves & Fishes, editor

Aug 03

Another Printing of Loaves & Fishes Magazine


Dear Friend,

We have some exciting progress to share with you on the next issue of the Loaves & Fishes magazine.

Another Printing of Loaves & Fishes

Because of your help, we have enough money to move ahead with the printing of a new issue of Loaves & Fishes! We ordered close to $10,000 worth of paper, and it was delivered almost a couple weeks ago. The plates are made, and my Dad is printing! Please pray for him in the busy weeks ahead.

The postage to mail all these booklets will be somewhere close to $15,000. It looks like we can send a portion of this printing with the donations so far, but we are trusting the Lord to provide the rest of the postage to get these sent soon after they are printed.

Unloading Loaves & Fishes Paper

Unloading Loaves & Fishes Paper

Loaves & Fishes Paper Rolls

Loaves & Fishes Paper Rolls

An Open Door

The demand for Loaves & Fishes is still high and we get hundreds of letters from prisoners who seem open and hungry for truth. Prison chaplains express appreciation for the support this magazine offers their ministry. This is a wide open door for the church to help people who really want to walk with Jesus.

Please pray for Loaves & Fishes to prosper and the means to publish it more often. We see urgent spiritual needs that are not being met in the prisons of our country. But with God’s help and yours, we look forward to making a difference before the night comes!

For Christ,
Lavern Gingerich

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